How to Design a Garden on the Roof of the House

Maintaining the beauty of the environment can be done in various ways, including in the house by creating a green and beautiful garden. Then what is the story if the house owned is not too broad whether it can still make a garden? If it's like this the conditions are actually there are many solutions that can be selected, including by making a garden on the roof of the house or roof garden.

Park on the roof is an alternative greening to improve the quality of environmental health in big cities. In addition to adding shade, a roof garden can also be used to absorb toxic gases. Now, in commemoration of world environmental day, this time the Lamudi property portal will provide some tips for creating a garden on the roof of a house.

Stages make a garden on the roof of a house

  • Coating the roof you want to make a garden with water proofing. Leave it for a day until it's completely dry,
  • Aci, which is the addition of a layer of cement, requires drying for a day,
  • Give a layer of water retaining (drainage cell) and the soil retaining layer (geotextile).

After the above process has been done, then given the soil and ready for planting plants. Planting begins with grass, bushes, and then tree plants. To prevent damage to the waterproof proof layer, a protective layer must be added so that plant roots do not damage the waterproof layer and the concrete underneath.

Even for the area of the park, it does not need to be large, with just 4 × 4 square meters of land you can create an adequate roof garden. Noteworthy is the problem of drainage, especially for the disposal of water sprayed by plants or rainwater that is accommodated in the media. Do not avoid building leaks due to improper drainage system. One solution for a good drainage system is to provide a certain slope on the concrete roof. This will certainly make the water will flow into the drainage well.

Plant traits

  • Choose plants that can withstand heat. This is important to note considering the location of plant growth on the roof, which has a distance closer to the sun than an ordinary garden.
  • Avoid rooted plants that pierce down like a palm. Choose which has spreading roots and slow growth, Example: pagoda tree.
  • Having flower growth that often / diligently flowering, for example, roses, jasmine, virgin, bougainville.
  • Has a lot of branches to create a rather lush shape. Example: pagoda tree, frangipani.

Types of plants commonly used

  • Soft trunked plants, including, aracea, rulea, paris basil, yellow pandanus, blood coat.
  • Hard-stemmed plants, including, bougainville, frangipani.
  • Flowering plants, among others, roses, jasmine.

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