Showing posts from December, 2019

Some Modern Garden Models

Given the high demand for landed houses, the demand for this type of residence is still a favorite for a variety of reasons. In addition to many people who are comfortable with investing in land and …

Some Models of Window House with Modern Shades

Windows are an important part of the house. Based on KBBI, a window is a hole that can be given a lid and serves as a place for air to enter. Has a strategic function for a building, namely for a …

Some Home Roof Models

To protect the occupants from erratic weather attacks, the roof of the house is one of the crucial elements of a dwelling. The functional value of a roof is an important factor supported by the selec…

Some Models of Roof Terrace Houses

The presence of a terrace in a house certainly not only serves as a guest lounge, but also as a sweetener appearance of the house. Because of its position in front of the house, so it is …

Green Home Decoration Ideas

The concept of environmentally friendly buildings now seems to be a trend. The concept that tries to utilize the maximum natural potential can indeed be used as a solution to create a balance. …

How to Overcome the Leaking Roof

In the rainy season, one of the common problems at home is a leak on the roof of the house. The roof of the house that is leaking is definitely very annoying, the roof horses will increasingly…

The Advantages of Gypsum Board That Is Very Suitable For Home Walls

The presence of gypsum boards to beautify the appearance of the house has long been used, usually this type of board is widely used as a ceiling for the roof of the house, which is easily form…

How to Design a Garden on the Roof of the House

Maintaining the beauty of the environment can be done in various ways, including in the house by creating a green and beautiful garden. Then what is the story if the house owned is not too bro…

Some of the latest minimalist home designs in 2020

Simple minimalist residences are now increasingly popular with the community. There are so many advantages to building a minimalist residence. In addition to saving space, the construction of…
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